Education Advice

  • Are you ready for post-secondary education?  If not, what are your options (gap year, work, apprenticeship, victory lap…)?

  • Do you have the required courses for admission for your intended program?

  • Do you have the required grades required for admission (cut-offs)?

  • Supplemental application forms/requirements (AIF’s, SAP’s…).

  • What are the application dates and deadlines for your intended school/program?

  • Admission deferrals (Why? or Why Not?)

  • Are there any academic concerns (lacking ambition, low grades, work ethic, attitude versus ability, academic challenges…)?

  • College to University Options (transfer agreements).
  • Timelines (when to apply, how to apply, application deadlines – different for college and university).

UIP – University Information Program – K-W (Oct. 08, 2024, 11:00 am – 6:00 pm), @ WLU Athletic Complex, 75 University Ave. W., Waterloo).

OUF Ontario University Fair. (Oct. 05 – 06, 2024, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm M.T.C.C. South Building)

OCIF – Ont. College Info. Fair. (Oct. 16, 2024, 5 pm – 9pm, Oct. 17, 2024, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm, at the Enercare Centre, Hall B, 100 Princes’ Blvd., Toronto).

CIP – Local College Information Program, Conestoga College. (

OUAC – Ontario Universities Application Centre.

OCAS – Ontario College Application Service. Apply using:

Apprenticeship information.

GAP Year.

OSAP, Scholarships, Bursaries  and Finances.

Out of Province Opportunities?